Preparing an Easy to Make Leaven from the Starter Hungry Scarecrow Flour Mix

Preparing an Easy to Make Leaven from the Starter Hungry Scarecrow Flour Mix

Preparing a Leaven from the starter. 400g flour mix

Here's a simple and quick step-by-step guide to making a leaven - it contains everything you need to know to build a leaven to be used in a homemade delicious loaf. While there are several methods for Leavens, this particular recipe is simple, reliable, and predictable, meaning your bread making will be easy and seamless.

Here's a 

  1. To make the leaven, add 20g of starter + 40g water + 40g millet flour to a clean bowl or jug. Mix all these together and leave for up to 4 hours in a warm place.

    leaven mix
  2. Once your leaven is ready, follow the instructions for your flour mix of choice. Remember you don’t need to add sugar or yeast when baking with a leaven.

    flour mix

  3. Cover the dough and leave to rise in a warm place for up to 8 hours.

  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly dusted surface and knead the dough by spreading and folding till you have a smooth dough. Shape the dough into your desired shape and place in a tin or onto a baking tray.

  5. Cover the dough and leave for another 2 hours in a warm place to rise.

  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.

  7. Turn the oven down to 180 degrees C and bake for 60 mins.

Baked bread from flour mix

Remove the loaf from the oven and loaf tin and cool on a rack and cover with a clean towel - voila! Enjoy with your favourite fillings, some roast chicken, selection of cheese or some yummy homemade jam! 

Happy eating everyone!

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